It’s Monday, What Are You Reading?

It’s Monday, What Are You Reading? is a wonderful meme hosted by Sheila at Book Journey. Head on over and check out what everyone’s reading!

I hope everyone had a fun-filled Halloween weekend filled with lots of treats! I relaxed at home and made a fabulous (if I do say so myself) Halloween brunch filled with sour cream coffee cake, eggs, potatoes, pumpkin french toast, mimosas, and lots of Dean’s Beans coffee. Delicious! 🙂 That plus a roaring fire in the fireplace, friends, and football, made it a perfect Halloween day. I finished off the evening with the premiere episode of The Walking Dead on AMC. Filled with zombies and intrigue, this new series has already left me eager for the next show. It is based on the graphic novel Walking Dead written by Robert Kirkman and illustrated by Tony Moore in which the hero wakes up from a coma after being shot only to find the world in post-apocalyptic chaos. Zombies are rampant and the living must learn to survive in this new world. After watching the pilot and loving it, I had to grab a copy of vol. 1 in the graphic novel series. 🙂






Kirkman designed his graphic novel not for the horror element but to look at the way humans respond to extreme change. He chronicles the lives and relationships of his characters as they learn to shift from lives filled with cable TV and wifi to finding basic necessities while trying to stay alive. A social commentary that just happens to be filled with zombies.

I’m on a graphic novel kick as the new book I’m working on centers on a superhero theme and I want my mind to be in the tempo of a graphic novel, so I’m also reading:

Runaways created by Brian K. Vaughan – As with other graphic novels, Runaways was created by the brilliant and talented Vaughan, but other equally amazing comic superstars have lent a hand in writing this acclaimed series. The most recent one I read was written by Joss Whedon (of Buffy fame) and Terry Moore (writer of Strangers in Paradise and Echo) wrote the next two volumes. It’s like an all-star line-up of epic proportions! If you haven’t read the series, it’s about the powerful children of super villains who decide to follow a very different path than the ones their parents chose. It’s filled with cameos from the Punisher to the Avengers and tons of colorfully illustrated adventures. A must read for all graphic novel fans. 🙂



Those are my new reads for the week. 🙂  What have you been reading?


  1. I like social commentary that just happens to have monsters. World War Z was a good example of that.

    • Thanks for the recommendation, Heather! I’ll have to find a copy and check it out.

  2. I’ve been hearing very good things about the Walking Dead graphic novel! I’m also on a graphic novel kick, celebrating Graphic Novel November at my blog, so I’m working my way through Neil Gaiman’s Sandman, Girl Genius, and some manga series.

    also decided over the weekend to reread George R R Martin’s Song of Ice and Fire all the way through. from the beginning. oy.

    • That’s ambitious! Thanks for letting me know about Graphic Novel November at your blog, I’m always looking for new graphic novels so I will definitely stop by. 🙂

  3. I’ve been too busy to read any actual books, but with all the driving around I’ve done I did get to listen to a couple of great YA novels: Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver and Behemoth by Scott Westerfeld. I think you have the right idea with the graphic novels. I think the next book I sink my teeth into will have to have lots of pictures.

  4. Your Halloween brunch sounds awesome, I’m hungry just reading about it. Runaways sounds great, I’m going to see if my library has any. Have a great week and happy reading 🙂

  5. Right now I’m reading Barry Lyga for the first time. I wish I had discovered his books sooner.

    I haven’t read a graphic novel before. The Walking Dead looks interesting.

    • I’ve never read any of Lyga’s books before. I’ll have to grab one soon. 🙂

  6. Hi,

    i just read your post, and it inspired me to go buy the walking dead graphic novel. i live in the netherlands and the series doesnt run on tv, so well, i cant watch it 😛 i was planning on buying it before, but i never did because i didnt know if it was worth it, but now im more certain that it will be. thanks!

    i found your blog through an image search (yeah, thats weird, i know :P) and i like it, you write in a certain style thats fun reading, and makes you feel sad when you finish! i also read that you are (or were) making a book, and i really want to try that when it comes out. just so you know 😛


    • Thanks, Greetz! Your comment made my day – thanks for stopping by! 🙂

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