How to Start Your Story

  Last week at work a woman began talking to me about a book she wants to write, but wasn’t sure how to start. My brother has told me about an idea he has for a novel, but there always seem to be something blocking his path. In talking with other writers I hear of people who have great writing aspirations, but never quite move forward with their goals.

One of the problems that many of these writers seem to face is actually sitting down and starting to write. Between life’s obligations and forming the words, it can be a daunting task! Before I wrote my first novel, I had a hard time moving past the first paragraph.

Here are a few tips that helped me move past my road blocks and hopefully will help you with yours too!

1. Make the time – get up before work/kids/daily obligations or stay up later or make every Saturday morning your writing time then make it a habit!

2. Prioritize – How important is writing your novel? If you want to write it, turn off Being Human and write instead.

3. Figure out who your audience is and what makes your story important to tell

4. Outline your main ideas, then write to fill in the blanks. Don’t worry about having all the answers before you start writing, you’re bound to change some things during your rewrites anyway. šŸ™‚

5. And most importantly – just write!!! If there’s one piece of advice that I’ve read over and over and one that I try to adhere to above all it’s write. The more you write, the better you will get and the more it will become a habit and allow you to reach your goals.

Happy writing! šŸ™‚

  1. Great tips. I also meet people who want to write but they don’t know where to begin.

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