New Year’s Resolutions: Part 3

For the final part of my New Year’s Resolution series, we look at moving forward. Nothing kills reaching a goal more than stagnancy does. Keeping your energy and your excitement fresh is integral to success.

What are some ways you can move forward and prevent your goals from becoming mundane? While there aren’t always easy solutions, here are some ideas:

1. Find like-minded people. There are a lot of great groups out there where one can find support, inspiration and accountability. I recommend or Yahoo Groups or a quick search online or in local newspapers for groups near you.

2. Research your goal. In this information age, there are a ton of resources for people to use to research many different topics. Libraries aren’t just about musty books anymore and have many online and electronic resources as well. Some other great research tools include, the internet, DVDs, community college courses, and seminars.

3. Talk to an expert. While this option may cost you money, it almost a complete certainty that there is someone out there who is more knowledgeable and better trained on whatever category your goals may fall under. Counselors, doctors, authors, personal trainers, yogis, and nutrionalists are some of the many people who make it their work to be an expert so they can give advice to those who need it.

4. Go out of your comfort zone. It’s hard to learn something new if all you’re doing are repeating the same tasks day after day. Find a way to push your boundaries in positive, healthy ways. Talk to a stranger, travel, pick up a book you wouldn’t normally read, dance in public, take a new class, plan a date with your partner, join a sports team, volunteer.

I hope these blogs have helped you move toward reaching your goals. Please feel free to email me at runnersami [at] hotmail [dot] com if you have any further questions or comments!

Happy New Year and Bonne Chance!



  1. I like your resolutions, especially how you said like minded people. I like that. ๐Ÿ™‚

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